For grant writing assistance please contact our Grant Writing Specialist at 602-840-2271. We would be glad to work with you to obtain as much funding as possible.
This system is used by non-profit organizations, particularly governments. Because there is no profit motive, accountability is measured instead of profitability. The main purpose is stewardship of financial resources received and expended in compliance with legal requirements. Financial reporting is directed at the public rather than investors. The accounting equation is Assets = Restrictions on Assets. Funds are established to ensure accountability and expenditure for designated purposes. Revenues must be raised and expended in accordance with special regulations and restrictions. Budgets are adopted and recorded in the accounts of the related fund. Contractual obligations are given effect in some funds. There are many Grant’s available to agencies of all sizes. The Grants used to purchase armored vehicles are generally those in direct support of the war on terror funded through The Department of Homeland Security or The Department of Justice. Check both websites often for updated information on grant availability and requirements.